
The Manhae Prize

The Manhae Prize
    • On the Occasion of Establishing The Manhae Prize

    • 1997, The 1st Manhae Prize Awards
    • The society for the Promotion and Practice of Manhae's Thoughts establishes the Manhae Prize(Manhae Daesang) in memory of, and for the dissemination of, the high thinking and noble mind of Reverend Manhae(1879-1944).

      As is well known, Reverend Manhae devoted his body and soul to the noble and just cause of national independence: until he breathed his last, he fought against the tyranny of the Japanese colonialist rule, armed with the idea of freedom and equality and that of harmony and peace, and he never ceased putting into practice his idea of love; indeed, he not only loved his country and its people but also had a deep affection for all the living beings of the word.

      What is the most valuable thing in this world? It would be a noble mind that cares, and pays respect to, all the living beings of the world, and it would be the idea of love that enables all the living being of the world to be born and enjoy life. Also, it would be the idea of freedom and equality or the idea of harmony and peace that helps the idea of love come into full bloom. Reverend Manhae knew this and actively upheld what he believed to be the most valuable cause. Indeed, he is one of the paragons of justice and morality, whose high thinking and noble mind have illuminated all of us the right path to peace and happiness.

      To repeat, in memory of, and for the dissemination of, Reverend Manhae's Prize in the following categories; Peace, Social Service, Academic Excellence, Art, Literature, and Missionary Work. The Society hopes that the Manhae's high thinking and noble mind. And the successful and fair management of the Manhae Prize.

      The Society for the Promotion and Practice of Manhae's Thoughts. (January 1997)
    • The Manhae Grand Prize

    • 2015, The 19th Manhae Prize Awards
    • In 1997, the Society for Propagation and Practice of Manhae's Thoughts established the Manhae Prize in memory of the Reverend Manhae (Han Young-un, 1879-1944) who dedicated his life to his country and people. The aim of the prize is to help honor and disseminate the works of those individuals and groups who most exemplify the principals and noble aims of the Reverend Manhae. 2015 marks the 19th year of the Manhae Prize which is awarded by the Committee on Celebration of Manhae.

      Born during the turbulent times of latter era Joseon Dynasty, Reverend Manhae was a true renaissance man and a great hero at a time when Korea was most in need of them. Grounded in the ideas of peace and equality, he carried out was committed to the cause of national independence from Japan during the colonial period. Furthermore, he strived to realize the ideas of peace and life through his commitment to equality and freedom, based on the spirit of progress and unity. His love extended not only to his country and her people, but to all living beings.

      The most valuable thing in the world is a noble mind that respects and loves all the living beings in the world. Reverend Manhae's idealized vision of love was one that would enable all living beings to enjoy lives endowed with freedom, quality, and peace that would in turn bring this great love into full bloom. His life and works stand to this day as a shining example of justice and morality whose enlightened thinking helped illuminate the right path towards peace and happiness.

      In memory of his life and ideals, the Manhae Society has established a prize in each of the following categories: Peace, Practice, Literature. It is the Society's hope that the Manhae prize will serve to inspire people to follow his example and work to attain his noble mind. The Society extends an invitation to any interested party to become involved in the Manhae Prize.

      Aug. 2015

      The Manhae Festival Promotion Committee

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